The Comité Directeur de Coordination (CoDiCo) held quarterly, met last 12 February 2020 in Bamako. The CoDiCo, co-chaired by the Chef d’État-Major Adjoint Général des Armées, Brigadier General Abdrahamane Baby, and the EUTM Mali Mission Force Commander (MF Cdr), Brigadier General João Boga Ribeiro, brings together EUTM Mali and the Malian Armed Forces (MaAF) relevant structures. The aim of the conference is to coordinate the medium and long-term planning of EUTM’s activities in support of the MaAF. During the meeting, the EUTM Mali MF Cdr highlighted the remarkable work that the MaAF have achieved at the operational level thanks to the significant increase in their overall capabilities. The MF Cdr also spoke about the Mission increased activities in line with MaAF concepts, needs and requirements and on the planned way forward to ensure continuity of the delivery of military capabilities. Specifically on the levels of organisational and generic strategy, doctrine, education and training of headquarters, units, trainers and specialised elements. EUTM Mali is the military contribution to the wider comprehensive approach taken by the European Union to assist in lessening the crisis in Mali and the wider Sahel. It takes its place alongside the political, humanitarian and development pillars of assistance captured in the ‘Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel region’.